Our blizzard adventures

Created by Joe 2 months ago
I have many great and funny memories and id be here forever mentioning them all. But heres one that sticks out for me. It was December 2017 and it had been snowing. George and I decided to go for a drive and a walk in the snow up kinver and then up clent. Miraculously, Georges Corsa made it around all the snowy roads and the occasional dirt path and dead end. This included many handbrake turns, drifting around sidways and alot of laughs. We walked through the woods up kiver but then wanted to see if the car would get up clent. After walking to the top of clent, we were caught in a massive blizzard which added an extra few inches of snow to the ground. How we managed to get down the road without crashing always amazed both of us. After seeing a car sliding down sidways and hitting the trees at the bottom. But Georges driving skills always ceased to amazing me. We had many great laughs and alot of deep conversations thats day, as well of some amazing scenery of the places our group always go to. This memory will always stick in my mind and my words will never justify how much of a laugh we had that day. I’ll miss reminiscing about this with you. Love you brother, forever and always x 

